Lace® Stealth™ Series Pickups Released

2017-01-18 January 17, 2017 For Immediate Release Anaheim, California- Lace® Music Products releases the new Stealth™ Series line of pickups. The line consists of Humbucker, Bass and Extended Range electric pickups. These new pickups are a combination of the visually traditional pickup covers blended with Lace's patented "current driven" magnetic design. This patented technology generated from the world famous Alumitone® pickups, results in zero noise, full frequency range. The pickups can also be used with either a pre amp or passively which is a significant departure from pickup design. Stealth's design uses 95 percent less copper wire than conventional designed pickups without loss of sonic output. An overall flat response is characteristic of the design with a tight and well defined bottom end without any muddiness. The Stealth™ Series is an evolutionary departure from standard pickups and is the first new pickup technology from this century. No use of battery power is required; however, with the design of the low resistance of the pickup it allows installation with any pre amp without compromise. Models include Humbucker for guitar, Soap bar style for bass, and extended range guitars. Models are identified by the Sonic Blue Lace logo. The Stealth™ line of pickups is available in black only. Prices range from: $149.99 to 152.90 Retail. Actual street price is lower. For more information visit Lace® at or www.facebook/lacepickups

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